What Do Baseball & Crime Writing Have in Common

Baseball and crime writing? Trust me, I’m not coming out of left field with this blog post.

Spring training has started and as a Red Sox fan I’m pretty excited for my team’s prospects. The Sox have a new manager and some great players. The new season is like starting to write a new book. It’s a time of optimism and fresh ideas. “Batter up” I think to myself every time I sit down to write.

As a writer of crime and thriller novels, I can’t help but see the parallels between a good crime novel and a baseball game. Can the phrases “stealing a base” and ‘stealing signs” merely be coincidences? How about Curt Schilling’s bloody sock in 2004? Or Dwight Evans memorable catch in the 1975 World Series, stealing a home run off Joe Morgan and winning game six? Love it when a new pitcher “comes out of the pen.” There’s even a “three strikes” law that puts criminals away for life. And let’s not forget that the dreaded Yankees wear pinstripes.

Writing a novel is a lot like a baseball game in many respects. Both have set parameters. My novels tend to run between 80 and 120 thousand words. A baseball game is nine innings, although there’s extra innings if the game is tied in the ninth. In both, it’s crucial to get off to a good start. In both, it’s important to keep the pressure on in the middle, whether that be a compelling subplot or putting in a competent middle reliever or pinch hitter. Then you have to finish strong. In baseball that means clutch hitting and solid defense combined with a shutdown closer. The crime novelist, as well, needs to round all the bases and write a killer ending. Sometimes the ballgame goes into extra innings, just as sometimes the author needs to add more scenes to adequately close everything out for the reader’s benefit.

The goal for us writers when we start our novel is to “hit it out of the park.” Is it any wonder why baseball and literature is so tightly entwined, especially the Red Sox? Parker’s Spenser was a big Red Sox fan. Authors past and present loved the Sox including Doris Kearns Goodwin, John Updike and Steven King. In fact, King wrote a novel called The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon about a girl who got lost in the woods and survives by thinking about her favorite Red Sox pitcher.

Fenway Park is an iconic landmark and shown in many Hollywood dramas. I even used it as a setting in one of my earlier horror novels, when I was writing in that genre. My favorite scene in the movie The Town, based on Chuck Hogan’s crime novel, Prince of Thieves, takes place in Fenway Park. Ben Affleck’s character and his gang pull off the heist of a lifetime when they sneak into Fenway Park dressed as Boston cops, and manage to make their way into the cash room, stealing millions.

A new year for the Red Sox brings with it much optimism and hope for a winning season. Just as the Sox hope to have a great year, so are all of us crime writers. As the Sox open the season in April, I too will step up to the plate with my new thriller, THE ANCHORMAN’S WIFE, which was published 10/272023. Hope you can check it out and let me know if I “hit it out of the park.”

About joesouza

I am a writer of crime novels
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14 Responses to What Do Baseball & Crime Writing Have in Common

  1. What a fun post, Joe. I compare it to gardening, you to baseball, and we’re both right. It’s a compelling process and one where we have a lot of jobs to do if we’re to hold our audience.


  2. John Clark says:

    Wish I could share your 2024 Sox enthusiasm, but I can’t. Between lurking on the SonsofSamHorn blog, and listening to the morning guys on the Big Jab, I’m very pessimistic this time around. I’ll wait until the trading deadline to reassess all this. Good comparison on the similarities.

  3. kaitcarson says:

    My knowledge of baseball ended with the Brooklyn Dodgers! Yep, that long ago. That said, let me tout The Anchorman’s Wife – it’s a compelling read and a true page turner!

    • Many Brooklyn fans joined Red Sox nation later in life, myself included, possibly because both teams had rivalry with the Yankees in common. I was heartbroken as a kid when “dem bums” left Brooklyn. (this is Kaitlyn/Kathy) in case I come up as anonymous again.

      • kaitcarson says:

        Me, too. My Dad took me to the last Ebbets Field game. I don’t think I ever forgave the team. I remember going home and ripping up my Dodgers baseball cards. Now that was angst at a young age.

    • joesouza says:

      Thanks so much, Kait. Brooklyn Dodgers? Wow, that is a while ago. Thanks again for the book plug.

  4. John Greco says:

    Great analogies, Joe!

  5. Brenda Buchanan says:

    Yankees. Pinstripes. Ha!

    Hopeful about the Sox, but then, I always am . . .

  6. jselbo says:

    love the connection – lots of food for thought

  7. Pingback: 223 – Baseball v4 – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

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