Weekend Update: March 29-30, 2014

fallsbooks1Next week at Maine Crime Writers we’ll be featuring posts from Al Lamanda (Monday) Barb Ross (Tuesday), Dorothy Cannell (Wednesday), John Clark (Thursday), and Kate Flora (Friday). 

In the news department, here’s what’s happening with some of us who blog regularly at Maine Crime Writers:

Lea Wait: You’re invited! To the launch of my newest historical, UNCERTAIN GLORY! I’m thrilled that my wonderful publisher, Islandport Press, is hosting a launch party for Uncertain Glory on Sunday, !cid_5DD80D18-4277-43A2-92BE-A87ACD38DB1B@maine_rrApril 6, from 4 until 5:30 at Le Garage Restaurant on Water Street in Wiscasset, Maine. There’ll be refreshments, I’ll speak (a little) and there’ll be a cash bar. And, of course, there’ll be copies of Uncertain Glory! Hope to see many of you there!

And, if you can’t make the launch, I’ll also be signing copies of UNCERTAIN GLORY at the Children’s Book Cellar in Waterville, Saturday, April 5, from 10 until 12.

And for those of you who’ve been waiting … SHADOWS OF A MAINE CHRISTMAS (which won’t be published until September) is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Strange to think of a Christmas mystery when we still have snow on the ground from last Christmas .. but that’s the way it is. Happy spring everyone!

Kate Flora: Here’s a picture of Lea, Al Lamanda, and Jim Hayman from their panel at the Kennebunkport Library this week. They look like they’re very engaged in their discussion.








An invitation to readers of this blog: Do you have news relating to Maine, Crime, or Writing? We’d love to hear from you. Just comment below to share.

And a reminder: If your library, school, or organization is looking for a speaker, we are often available to talk about the writing process, research, where we get our ideas, and other mysteries of the business. Contact Kate Flora: kateflora@gmail.com


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