Weekend Update: March 2-3, 2024

Next week at Maine Crime Writers there will be posts by Kate Flora (Monday), Brenda Buchanan (Tuesday), John Clark (Thursday) and Joe Souza (Friday).

In the news department, here’s what’s happening with some of us who blog regularly at Maine Crime Writers:

WARNING: from Kaitly/Kathy–if you are interested in buying a paperback copy of my new four-book omnibus edition of Maine-set romance novels, The Maine Quartet, don’t do it at Amazon. Their current price is nearly $10 higher than the price of the same book at Barnes & Noble and other booksellers. Unfortunately, I have no control over the price Amazon sets, and as far as I know, my cut doesn’t go up if someone buys a copy at the inflated price. The Kindle price, thank goodness, is the same everywhere.

An invitation to readers of this blog: Do you have news relating to Maine, Crime, or Writing? We’d love to hear from you. Just comment below to share.

And a reminder: If your library, school, or organization is looking for a speaker, we are often available to talk about the writing process, research, where we get our ideas, and other mysteries of the business, along with the very popular “Making a Mystery” with audience participation, and “Casting Call: How We Staff Our Mysteries.” We also do programs on Zoom. Contact Kate Flora

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