Weekend Update: April 3-4, 2021

Next week at Maine Crime Writers there will be posts by Brenda Buchanan (Tuesday), Maggie Robinson (Thursday) and John Clark (Friday). On Monday we’ll have a group post on Crime Writers in Maine Libraries.

In the news department, here’s what’s happening with some of us who blog regularly at Maine Crime Writers:

Kate Flora: I’m happy to share the cover from Joe Burgess series, Book 7, A World of Deceitwhich debuts on April 20th:

For those of you who find it fun, we’ll be having another Where Would You Put the Body contest in May, so it’s time to dig out your cameras and start studying the landscape for interesting places. The results are always good fun.

Maine Crime Wave is a conference celebrating crime and mystery novels in Maine.

The 2021 Maine Crime Wave will be a half-day of panels, a keynote talk, a contest, and much more on Saturday, June 5 on Zoom. More details to come. Please stay tuned.

When held in person, the Maine Crime Wave offers craft workshops and panels with award-winning authors, a CrimeFlash contest, CrimePitch to top agents, 2 Minutes in the Slammer, and much more! The 2020 Maine Crime Wave was cancelled due to the COVID-19 crisis, though we did hold Maine Crime Online, a free reading, Q&A, book-buying extravaganza, and celebration of the winners of the Two Minutes in Quarantine flash fiction contest.

Next week in National Library Week, and we begin the week with a post of Maine Crime Writers in Maine Libraries. Check it out on Monday.



An invitation to readers of this blog: Do you have news relating to Maine, Crime, or Writing? We’d love to hear from you. Just comment below to share.

And a reminder: If your library, school, or organization is looking for a speaker, we are often available to talk about the writing process, research, where we get our ideas, and other mysteries of the business. We also do programs on Zoom. Contact Kate Flora

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