Thread On Arrival — Arriving Next Week!

Lea Wait here, looking forward to the April 30 publication date for the 8th in my Mainely Needlepoint series. (With thanks to everyone who’s followed Angie Curtis and her friends in Haven Harbor, Maine! Without readers … there would be no books.)

Every book is special to its author — perhaps because of a connection to the author’s life, or because of when it was written, or because of a character that was especially fun, or important, to write.

In THREAD ON ARRIVAL, that character  is a teenaged boy named Leo.

When I was a child (a few years back,) I especially loved reading books about feisty “orphans who made good.” Anne of Green Gables? Check. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm? Of course. And an assortment of Louisa May Alcott characters. When I was still in elementary school I decided that when I grew up I would adopt an orphan, like the characters I loved. (Think Alcott’s LITTLE MEN.)

When I was in my twenties I volunteered with children aged 6-12 who, for various reasons, could no longer live with their families. Most went on to foster or adoptive homes. When I was twenty-eight I applied to adopt as a single parent. My first daughter came home when she was four, and I was thirty. She was followed by three other girls, ages 8-10. I founded a support group for single adoptive parents.  I helped prospective parents find agencies that would work with them. I conducted classes for single and married adults to introduce them to the realities of adoption.

Some of my friends were foster parents, so I became familiar with the highs and lows of parenting children “in the system.” In my book SHADOWS ON A MORNING IN MAINE my protagonist, Maggie Summer, adopts a girl who has been in foster care.

Now, in THREAD ON ARRIVAL, I introduce a new character to Haven Harbor. Leo’s parents are dead, and he is a survivor of the foster care system. His life hasn’t been easy. He hasn’t been easy. And now he’s suspected of murder.

Welcome to Haven Harbor, Leo. You’ve found your forever home.

About Lea Wait

I write mysteries - the Mainely Needlepoint, Shadows Antique Print and, coming in June of 2018, the Maine Murder mysteries (under the name Cornelia Kidd.) When I was single I was an adoption advocate and adopted my four daughters. Now my mysteries and novels for young people are about people searching for love, acceptance, and a place to call home. My website is To be on my mailing list, send me a note at
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7 Responses to Thread On Arrival — Arriving Next Week!

  1. Sounds like a great story. Congratulations on bringing it to print.

  2. Vida Antolin-Jenkins says:

    Looking forward to reading this!

  3. Nikki Andrews says:

    Sounds like two great stories. No, three. Thank you for your devotion to kids! Now I’m off to place an order…

  4. Louise Newton says:

    Lea Wait, you continue to amaze….your intellect and authorship despite your health struggles are a joy to see and appreciate

  5. Sharon Ward says:

    Ooh! Looking forward to this one!

  6. Debra Clark says:

    Looked forward to Thread on Arrival all winter, and was happy when it was delivered right to my door last week. Your books have motivated me to borrow other Maine Mystery series. I have enjoyed Sarah Graves’ and Barbara Ross’ books as well. Will there be another in the Antique Print series? Thank you for your writings. Praying for your health.

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