Learning to Wear a Tiara

fullsizeoutput_2067Kate Flora: I was never one of those girls who dreamed about being a princess. I didn’tlong for glamour, or jewels, or poofy dresses. People who know me can affirm that I don’t wear makeup, and when I do panels or library talks, I generally appear in something black and rather plain. So what is this about a tiara? It’s a long story that began in my living room.

Last weekend was the New England Crime Bake, our region’s own mystery conference featuring writers, aspiring writers, and readers from all over New England. The Bake, which takes place every November and is now in its seventeenth year, was born in my living room, at a meeting, when I said that I thought we ought to have our own mystery conference, and Al Blanchard, then president of the New England chapter of Mystery Writers of America, and Gin Mackey, then president of our local chapter of Sisters in Crime, stepped forward and said they’d organize one.

Our first conference was a one-day conference at a junior college, with guest of honor Jeremiah Healy. Our second was two days, with Guest of Honor Janet Evanovich, at a school where we discovered, to our misery, that the heat shut off over the weekend. Learning to put on conferences forced us to be innovative and quick on our feet, from having to stand in the bathroom handing out toilet paper from the single large roll we’d managed to score for a reluctant janitor, to four of us who all happened to be wearing leather vests that day stepping in to do an impromptu panel on research when our Boston Police Department forensics expert was called to a crime scene and didn’t appear.

Over the years, guests of honor have included Robert Parker, Tess Gerritsen, Lisa Scottolini, Lee Child, Harlan Coben Sue Grafton, Lisa Gardner, Elizabeth George and this year, Walter Mosley. The conference is kept deliberately small (around 250) and sells out every year. See some great photos of past guests of honor here: http://crimebake.org/about-crime-bake/

Earlier this year, I got an email from the crime bake committee, informing me that I would be the recipient of this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award for my contributions to the Crime Bake and the mystery community. I was stunned. And thrilled. And abashed and quickly fell into my Eeyore mode. My role is always to support writers and try to create a strong writing community. Like Eeyore, I lower my eyes and murmur, “Thanks for noticing me.”

Of course, I didn’t know what to expect. I would get to sit at the head table with lots of

Lea, Kate & Maureen before the banquet

people I really like and admire, like Sisters in Crime New England chapter president Edith Maxwell and Crime Bake co-chair Michele Dorsey. Like Sisters in Crime national president Sherry Harris and Mystery Writers of American executive director Margery Flax, the Amazing Dru Ann Love, Mo Walsh, And Pompano, and of course the amazing Walter Mosley.

On Saturday afternoon before the banquet, at the urging of an attendee, I decided to get into the spirit of the the thing by crafting a sash for my banquet dress out of crime scene tape. Where to find crime scene tape? In that crowd, it was no problem. I just rummaged around in the box of goodies Sisters in Crime had at their table, and voila! An elegant yellow and black sash was fashioned.

I still didn’t know what to expect, but some of my friends were hinting at the possibility of a tiara. Well. I began to think that that would be fun. I’ll stand up, I’ll get a silly tiara, everyone will clap, and thus will begin, and end, my fifteen minutes of fame. It was far, far more special than that. To my surprise–and tearful delight–three of my good friends got up and made actual speeches about my contributions to the mystery community. My former partner and in the instigator of Level Best Books, Susan Oleksiw, another partner and dear friend Ruth McCarty, and Bruce Coffin, aka “The Tall Guy.”

Do people always say this after a powerful, and positive, emotional moment? It was

Kate Flora, in her well-deserved tiara.

amazing. I was stunned by the speeches and my framed plaque and my bouquet of roses and my engraved fountain pen. And of course. Yes. I got a tiara. And looked out through tear-dimmed eyes at an entire room full of people giving me a standing ovation.

There have been a few moments in life when I thought, happily, “I can die now.” This was one of them. (The last was doing an on-stage interview with Tony Hillerman before 500 people) Of course, having received a Lifetime Achievement Award, I asked the mystery community if this meant I was due to be killed off. But no. There is always more community building to be done. So I will glow with pleasure for a little while, and then get back to work.

I confess, though, that I did wear my tiara to breakfast on Sunday. Why not? One so rarely gets to wear them. As it turns out, tiaras go just fine with jeans.

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18 Responses to Learning to Wear a Tiara

  1. Congratulations! Those of you who support the writing community make reading better for those of use who are in awe of all you do.

  2. Gram says:

    Congratulation on a well-deserved honor.

    • mainecrimewriters
      mainecrimewriters says:

      Thanks, Gram…I really did feel honored. It was an amazing moment. Now I’m back to trying to take a few thousand words out of my WIP. Maybe if I put the tiara on this will go more smoothly.


  3. And you looked perfect in that tiara – absolutely perfect. You work so hard, Kate. It was a joy to be in that room applauding you.

    • mainecrimewriters
      mainecrimewriters says:

      Wish I could have canned that moment, so I could open the can and peek in on the days when I’m writing gravel. Thanks for being there. And I’m sorry I forgot to put you at the table. Where you so definitely were.


  4. Lea Wait – Mid-coast Maine – I write mysteries - the Mainely Needlepoint, Shadows Antique Print and, coming in June of 2018, the Maine Murder mysteries (under the name Cornelia Kidd.) When I was single I was an adoption advocate and adopted my four daughters. Now my mysteries and novels for young people are about people searching for love, acceptance, and a place to call home. My website is http://www.leawait.com To be on my mailing list, send me a note at leawait@roadrunner.com
    Lea Wait says:

    You deserved that tiara — and wore it well. You looked terrific — who else could combine crime scene tape and a tiara so well and appropriately? — and your acceptance speech was … well, there were tears in my eyes. So wonderful that you were recognized by the community … and so glad to be your friend.

    • mainecrimewriters
      mainecrimewriters says:

      You know that I have no idea what I said in that speech, right? I had such a lovely speech planned and then the kindness of my friends and that ovation knocked the words right out of my head.


  5. bangorgirl says:

    Congratulations, Kate…I think you should wear the tiara every day so you never forget how special you are! We humble readers are forever blessed by and in awe of your talent.

  6. A well-deserved honor that you earned many times over, Kate!

  7. Congratulations, Kate. You deserve to be recognized by your fellow writers…and the tiara was a perfect touch.

  8. keenanpowell
    Keenan Powell says:

    Congratulations, Kate. And tiaras go with everything.

  9. Barbara Ross – Barbara Ross is the author of twelve Maine Clambake Mystery novels and six novellas. Her books have been nominated for multiple Agatha Awards for Best Contemporary Novel and have won the Maine Literary Award for Crime Fiction. She lives in Portland, Maine. Readers can visit her website at www.maineclambakemysteries.com
    Barbara Ross says:

    Congratulations, Kate!

  10. Beth Clark – Hartland, Maine – As a retired nurse and educator, I have time to enjoy home, family, and the natural world and to reflect on living in rural Maine. Putting thoughts into words helps me to make sense out of a complex and sometimes frightening world. Using my camera helps me to suspend my thinking and allows me to see the world clearly. I focus on things I might otherwise have missed and capture beauty and paradoxes that often complement my thinking. Join with me as I piece together my thoughts and bring wholeness to my life.
    bethc2015 says:

    Happy for you on this well deserved honor. Congratulations.

  11. Julianne says:

    Kate…I don’t remember if you have one, but tiaras go great with granddaughters! I have a four-year-old who prances around in mine almost every time she’s here. Wear it to get ice cream or take out. Don’t just let it sit on a shelf. They are meant adorn you!

  12. Dru – I love to read. You can learn so much by picking up a book. My favorite genres are cozy and traditional mysteries.
    Dru says:

    Congratulations Kate! Totally well deserved.

  13. Edith Maxwell – Agatha Award -winning author Edith Maxwell writes the historical Quaker Midwife Mysteries (Beyond the Page) and short crime fiction. As Maddie Day she writes the Dot and Amelia Mysteries, the Country Store Mysteries series, the Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries, and the Cece Barton Mysteries (all from Kensington Publishing). She lives north of Boston in an antique house with her beau and cat Martin, where she writes, gardens, cooks, and wastes time on Facebook.
    Edith Maxwell says:

    I was honored to be able to bestow the tiara on your lovely head, and hand you your roses and pen, too. We love you!

  14. Carol says:

    Congratulations! This is a “WOW”!

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