Thank you

Bruce Robert Coffin here, wishing all of you a happy August. By the time you read this blog the release of my second Detective Byron novel, Beneath the Depths, will only be five days away! I don’t know about you but I am more than ready.

I’ll admit it, I really struggled with what I wanted to write about this month. Perhaps it is the excitement of the impending release or maybe it is because I’m nearly three quarters of the way through the manuscript for book number three. But regardless of the reason the answer finally came, as it always does, when I wasn’t thinking about it. I decided that this blog would be all about gratitude. To whom am I expressing thanks? Why to you of course.

Writing novels has been my dream since I was a young man and your support has helped me to make it a reality. No writer goes on this journey alone. Oh the actual writing may be a solitary pursuit but the rest of it requires help from you, the reader. You are the reason each of us put pen to paper and fingers to the keys in the first place. It is your imagination that helps us breathe life into the characters who reside on the pages of our books. Your enthusiasm for our storytelling is the very thing that keeps each of us going back to the well again and again. There is no greater feeling than having a fan tell you they can’t wait for our next book. Trust me when I tell you that we each feed off of that. Our fans are why we struggle to find the right word, the correct phrase, and for clarity of thought. You are the reason that we are always striving to improve.

And so I thank you. Thank you for reading my blog posts and my random social media thoughts. Thank you for reading my short stories and novels. Thank you for sending emails of encouragement and praise. Thank you for posting reviews and for recommending my books to your friends and family. Thank you for the invites to speak at your local bookstores and libraries. Thank you for attending my readings and book signings. Thank you for inviting me into your schools and social clubs. Thank you for purchasing my books and more importantly for reading them. Thank you for waiting patiently these past eleven months for another visit from John Byron and Diane Joyner. And thank you most of all for giving this retired cop another shot at a career he loves.

Thank you, dear reader.


About Bruce Robert Coffin

Bruce is a retired detective sergeant with more than twenty-seven years in law enforcement. At the time of his retirement, from the Portland, Maine police department, he supervised all homicide and violent crime investigations for Maine's largest city. Bruce also spent four years working counter-terrorism with the FBI, where he earned the Director's Award, the highest honor a non-agent can receive. He is the bestselling author of the Detective Byron Mystery Series from HarperCollins. His short stories appear in a number of anthologies including The Best American Mystery Stories 2016. Bruce lives and writes in Maine.
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13 Responses to Thank you

  1. Congrats Big Guy. My foutyh cake out a few weeks back and every release date is a thrill. Too bad they don’t come closer together,

  2. Gayle Lynds says:

    Thank you for writing such entertaining and memorable novels, Bruce.

  3. What a coincidence, Bruce, I opened Maine Crime Writers this morning to say thanks to you all for some of the best posts I’ve read in the recent Spring and Summer. For a Southerner on/in the Atlantic, but a few latitudes away, the Maine experience is refreshing. Hope your book flies off the shelves everywhere.

  4. Lea Wait says:

    Looking forward to the new book! And —thank YOU, Bruce, for answering my questions about police procedures and guns … writing is sometimes a team sport!

  5. Barb Ross says:

    What a wonderful post.

  6. What a lovely, lovely post! And I want to thank YOU, Bruce. You read and commented on my short story – that was so generous. Each time we meet at an author event like Books in Boothbay, you greet with me with a huge smile. As a fairly new author, your warmth means so very much to me. I’m honored to call you “friend”.

  7. Pingback: Maine Crime WritersThanking the MentorsMaine Crime Writers

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