May 25th

Jessie: Traipsing about somewhere in the U.K.

Right about now I am likely in Scotland visiting one of my kids who is just finishing up a semester  abroad. Because  this post was written several days before I left I cannot say for any certainty exactly where I am or what I’m up to. What I can say for sure is that there are several holidays listed on the web for May 25 that I found intriguing.

For instance, May 25 is National Wine Day, not to be confused with National Drink Wine Day, which occurs on February 18. May 25 is also National Tap Dancing Day. I think it more likely that I would participate in tap dancing if I had also taken part in some wine drinking.  It’s alsoNational Brown Bag It Day. I suppose that it could apply to discreetly packaging wine bottles as well as  to  transporting healthy lunches.

It’s also National Red Nose Day, sponsored by Walgreens. Before I looked it up I thought it must refer to allergies, colds or even the side effects of making every day National Wine Day.  I was wrong. It is a day for raising  money for charity, especially for impoverished children.

and lastly,  here in the UK, it is National Towel Day. This day celebrates the work of author Douglas Adams best known for The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.  the holiday was started in 2001 just after Adams’s death  as a way to celebrate his work. Apparently people are encouraged to carry towels about with them wherever they go on that day because you never know when a towel will come in handy. If you see Instagram photos of me carrying a towel you will know why!

Readers, what is your favorite silly holiday Writers if after your death your fans were to make a special holiday to celebrate your work what would you like it to be?

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4 Responses to May 25th

  1. Barb Ross says:

    Leaving aside that things are undoubtedly pretty fraught in the UK this week, and you are likely undergoing massive security as you travel from place to place, I really do want to hear if you spot people carrying towels.

    Have a great trip.


  2. MCWriTers says:

    As Barb notes, it may be that under the circumstances people are leaving their towels at home.

    Favorite silly holiday? Well, I believe Maine has some silly things, like the Moxie Festival and Bed Races, but as for a special day, right now, none come to mind. This is only because I haven’t gone and looked them up yet. Bet I find some doozies.


  3. C.T. Collier says:

    What a fun post! I’d like a Raised Pinkie Day in my honor during which participants drink really fine tea from a really delicate china cup and raise their pinkies because the handle is too tiny to fit all your fingers. 🙂 (Hey, you asked!!!!!) –kate

  4. Very funny, Jessie! Have a fabulous trip with or without a towel.

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