In Your Opinion . . .

Kate Flora here, filling in for Dorothy Cannell. For those of you who are regulars, you MCWPoster2016(3)know that this blog is an eclectic mix of writing, author news, exploring our various parts of Maine, food, fun, and whatever else we encounter while we’re at our desks and when we’re allowed to leave them.

Something you must know, if you follow is, is that we’re very interested in you–our readers–and the conversations you start, the comments you make, the questions you ask, and the stories you add to our own.

So today, on behalf of all the writers who blog here, I’m asking the curious question: What do you like to see on this blog? Are we creating the right mix? Are there things about writing or the writer’s life that you wonder about? Are there topics you think we’re neglecting?

If you were the blog runner for a day, what subjects would you throw out to the group to see how everyone would answer?

If you were our guest blogger, what would you like to write about? Did you know that we love guests on our blog? We like to introduce readers to new writers, new books by favorite writers, and to all things “Maine” that we discover along the way, and we would like to share yours.

Do you have a favorite restaurant? A favorite Maine place that you are willing to share?

It is fascinating, for many of us, to hear the questions you ask when we’re doing a book talk. What do you wonder about as you’re reading a mystery? Are there questions about the process you’d like to ask but haven’t? Do you wonder about how we handle series characters and have opinions about those characters yourself?

Did you know that we sometimes give away bags of books and Maine goodies? We’re doing that during the month of August, and you can’t be one of our lucky winners unless you leave a comment. This is your chance. So share your opinions.

And if you happen to be near Carmel tonight, come to the Golden Harvest Grange at 6, going me and Lea Wait, and Dorothy Cannel, and answer these questions in person. It’s going to be an evening of Death and Desserts, so most likely there will also be chocolate.

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16 Responses to In Your Opinion . . .

  1. Gram says:

    I enjoy hearing about new books coming out…and everything else all of you write about!

  2. Karen Whalen – Woodsville, NH; Williamsburg, VA; Chandler, AZ – A contemporary fiction and domestic suspense writer with an accumulation of incomplete novels and short stories, I spend half the year in NH with our youngest daughter and family and the remainder of the year in Arizona with our other two daughters and their families. This arrangement allows my husband to golf year-round. I am fortunate that my daughters live in places I would have retired to all on my own!
    Karen says:

    While I love to read about what it’s like to live in the diverse regions of Maine and how that impacts your writing, as an unpublished author I am most interested in your writing practices and techniques. I’m always on the lookout for that one writing tip that will transform my writing practice. I’m certain you each are willing to share at least one!!

  3. Skye says:

    I love all the places, events, and books that are showcased. I am unpublished writer, and I also, like Karen like reading each person’s writing practice and sources of inspiration. I also love the photos and the Maine community that you share.

  4. Monica says:

    I like reading about the writing process and how everyone goes about it differently. The series ‘A Day in…’ was great fun; I’m looking forward to wandering around in some of those towns as I look for my next home.

    Stumping for local libraries and book events is something I look forward to reading about.

    I think you’ve covered writing, mystery writing, and writing mysteries in Maine very well. I look forward to each new post.


  5. rdprew99
    Donna says:

    I think you have just the right mix. All the stories and pictures are interesting and its always my first email to read.

  6. Linda Baker says:

    Yay- heading for Carmel tonight!

  7. Linda Baker says:

    My favorite place in Maine is Isle au Haut hands down. We vacationed there for many years but now that we are-ahem- older we have switched to Rockland/Camden. It’s nice to have all the mod cons!

  8. crys101497
    Crystal L Toller says:

    Would love to win the giveaway. I subscribe to this blog and one other. Love this blog. It has made me want to take a vacation to Maine. Love reading about the series and once I find a job will be ordering some of Lea Wait’s books. Her books look so interesting and since I am a crafter myself want to read some of her crafting books.

  9. Maureen says:

    I have enjoyed so much all of Maine Crime Writers authors. I especially enjoy Barbara Ross and her tellings of Boothbay Harbor as I have visited this cute town twice as part of a bus tour. We stayed at Capn Fish hotel. It was amazing seeing the white church from our sight seeing boat and walking right up to it was even better. Everyone enjoy the rest of you summer, Maureen.

    • Barbara Ross – Barbara Ross is the author of twelve Maine Clambake Mystery novels and six novellas. Her books have been nominated for multiple Agatha Awards for Best Contemporary Novel and have won the Maine Literary Award for Crime Fiction. She lives in Portland, Maine. Readers can visit her website at
      Barb Ross says:

      Thanks, Maureen. And thanks to everyone who took the time to comment. It’s really helpful.

  10. Dan Wood says:

    I’m new to this blog, but Moody’s Diner and Dysart’s always come to mind for me as the consummate Maine restaurants. Red’s in Wiscasset, also. There are WAY too many cookie cutter chain restaurants here!

  11. Heidi Wilson – Orford, New Hampshire – I'm currently writing a mystery that takes place in New Hampshire and a novel about an artist who's working in Ireland and Hell. Former incarnations: stock market economist and professor of Greek. Go figure.
    Heidi Wilson says:

    When I submit parts of my mystery novel to my writing group, some of the most useful comments are about what the reader is thinking, wondering, suspecting at each point in the story. I’d love to hear from the MCWs how they think about this issue as they’re writing. After all, you can’t have the Generic Reader looking over your shoulder and responding to your every word. How do you do this for yourself, in your head?

  12. If I could make a suggestion. I love reading all of your posts, and have found many new authors and books by doing so. I also like reading about Maine. Actually there hasn’t been a post, that I have read, I haven’t enjoyed. However, I don’t always have time to read posts every day. If your postings were done every other day, I would still get all the news and updates I need, and not have to skip any because I am overwhelmed with e-mails. Something to be discussed among yourselves.

  13. Ann Hough says:

    I love this blog and all the writing tips and information about Maine. Seeing the Nancy Drew book bag takes me back to summer camp in Maine where I discovered Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. I think I must have read all the Nancy Drew books the camp library had that first summer. I look forward to reading this blog every morning before leaving for work.

  14. I’ve thought about what else I’d like to see in your terrific blog, and I realize I like it the way it is, a wonderful mix of writing and publishing tips, personal stories, and news about book releases. I always read the blog in the morning with a cup of coffee, and it’s like getting together for coffee!!!

  15. Bec says:

    I’m late to this party for sure but figure I would still chime in. Would love a chance to win but also hope I can offer my opinion on this blog. I’m just finishing the third in Lea Wait’s Mainely Needpoint (anxious for number 4!), and have been loving her descriptions of all things Maine. I’ve always enjoyed visits to Maine. It’s an absolutely beautiful state. I believe my favorite part of the blog and other similar blogs is learning about the writers. As a reader I view the authors of my favorite series almost like superheroes. So to get a little glimpse into their lives is such a unique and cool opportunity. And then to be able to interact with them and ask questions. Wow! What a cool experience. Thanks for everything!

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