The absent-minded writer

Kate Flora here, in the nidst of a flurry of library appearances that made me totally forget it was my day to blog.

At a delightful Chats with Champions event at the Skidompha library in Damariscotta this snowy morning, we were talking about secrets, the influences of Maine on our writing, and about the many fascinating things people tell us that become parts if stories or aspects of the characters we create.

Barbara Ross and Dorothy Cannell are so funny in person you would have thought you were watching an episode of Comedy Central. Who knew a group of solitary women who kill people for a living could be so silly?

Over lunch , we coined a new term for our characters who grow old much more slowly than we do–that they grow old in Sue Grafton time.

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1 Response to The absent-minded writer

  1. Beth Kanell says:

    Love the new term — perfect!!

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