Cyberbullying and the Wild, Wild Web

Jayne here – sorry for posting so late, but I honestly forgot! The title of this post is the title of my new book I am currently writing. It will be aimed at adults, but I am hoping teens will get something out of it as well. I will be mostly writing about cyberbullying in schools from the middle grades on up through college/university and how adults can deal with it and know the signs of it. It should be coming out late 2016 or early 2017.

It is amazing how many students feel they will be punished if they talk to their parents or another adult about being cyberbullied. They are afraid their Internet and smartphone privileges will be taken away. I have to try to remove that stigma for them.

Almost every chapter will have a case about cyberbullying to open, then go into various advice modes and I will also have a chapter about parents of cyberbullies and how to get them to realize that what they are doing is wrong.

Here’s where I reach out to you – although I have a few parents and students who are willing to be interviewed, I am in need of more. If you know someone who was or is being cyberbullied and would be willing to let me interview them, please let me know. I can change their names to keep them anonymous if they want. If you know someone who was or is a cyberbully, the same goes. Email me at with the info.

I can’t promise a free copy of the book (I am only getting 10 comp copies and those are going to family and friends already), but I can get you my author’s discount if you help me out.

Next question for you – what would you like to see covered? What questions do you have about cyberbullying you would like me to answer in my book?

Have a great St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow!

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2 Responses to Cyberbullying and the Wild, Wild Web

  1. dragons3 says:

    I’d like to see you cover the differences between disliking someone and being a bully. Too many people are quick to label posters as “bullies” or “haters” for disagreeing with another or disliking another or finding fault with another’s actions, even though their posts are perfectly civil. This diminishes the trauma and anguish experienced by victims of true bullying. I think this is an important subject and it’s something that needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later. Thank you for having the courage to take it on. There are too many people, particularly young people, whose lives are being devastated by true cyber bullying.

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