Gonna Have Some Fun Today

Continuing our coverage of the New England Crime Bake again today. Sadly, I didn’t get photos of the dessert party–Death and Desserts–that was being set out just as I was leaving, but tomorrow all the attendees are going to hear lots of panels about the mystery business, the many ways writers approach publication, and how writers use setting, choose to write true crime, and about how we put professional sleuths and everyday people into terrifying situations.

Here is GOH Craig Johnson with our own Susan Vaughan, and introducing the premier episode of Longmire:

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Of course, crime writers can’t help by photograph amusing signs, including this one:

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Here’s something new and exciting we’re doing this year. Courtesy of a retired Massachusetts State Police detective lieutenant, Elaine Gill, we have a mock crime scene to examine. And here, for your delectation, are a few quick snaps of that crime scene:

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2 Responses to Gonna Have Some Fun Today

  1. Keep those pictures coming, Kate. Love seeing everyone, even it it’s only online.


  2. This quick comment is to say how much I enjoy this blog. The stories of Maine winters make me want to kiss the southern New England coastline where I live. It was nice to see several of you at the New England Crimebake last weekend which was an entertaining, informative and fun experience. Well done!

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